Emonville Garden

Weeping cedar tree of Himalaya, maidenhair tree, bald cypress, giant redwood, Pterocarya fraxinifolia, common yew, cedar of Lebanon, purple leaf beech, liquidambar, walnut tree, Chinese magnolia, monkey puzzle, European white birch, American tulip tree: you’ll be delighted with these many rare scents.


But also...


The gates of the ancient Saint Pierre and Saint Paul priory church, the keeper’s apartments, the commons, the statues representing Roman deities, the edge, the monument of Ernest Prarond, the wolf strangling a lamb, the Foucques of Emonville hotel, the neogothic tower and the greenhouse, the priory’s fountain, the child holding a ram’s horn: you’ll be surprised by all these unusual details.


Opened every day from 7am to 7pm



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